Christine Bartley
I have more than 15 years’ experience as a governor of a primary school and was Chair of St Andrew’s C of E primary school in Hove for 8 years.
I am a Local Leader of Governance in Brighton and Hove. I have a background in policy development and I am currently Head of Finance in an IT company.
I am Chair of the Admissions Committee.
Sophie Brinkworth - Vice-chair
I joined the St Marks governing body in February 2018 as parent governor; I have one daughter in school and I and currently co-chair alongside Amanda Healey. I originally come from South Wales but have lived in Brighton for over 15 years now. I work as an audiologist in NHS children’s services and also provide audiology support at a local specialist school for deaf children and young people.
Sebastian Dawson- Bowling
Pen Portrait and photo to follow
Rosie Doyle
I started as a Local Authority Governor at St Mark's in May 2022. I grew up in East Sussex and went to the University of Southampton where I studied English and French. I was previously a teaching assistant in Lewes before starting the role of primary school partnerships coordinator for Brighton at the educational charity IntoUniversity. I worked with several local schools including St Mark's to deliver a range of workshops and trips to pupils. My current role sits within the national IntoUniversity team managing one of our social mobility programmes. As a governor, I am looking forward to getting to know the school community and ensuring pupils are at the heart of the school's strategy.
Jane Fendley - Headteacher
Amanda Healey
I have been a Foundation Governor at St Mark’s since September 2017 and am currently Co-Chair. I also have responsibility for safeguarding.
I studied French and Norwegian at university, then trained as a primary school teacher at the University of Sussex. I taught in primary schools in Sussex for over 30 years, the last 19 as a headteacher. I took early retirement, but still teach French and am a volunteer at the charity Into University where I support primary school pupils from across the city. I enjoy travelling and am involved in several local music groups. I come into St Mark’s regularly to help with trips and other activities.
Archdeacon Martin Lloyd Williams
Pen portrait to follow
Helen Mapa-Murch
Parent governor
I became a parent governor in July 2023. I have a son in the school. I work as a nurse at the Royal Sussex County Hospital for over 10 years and really enjoy my job. I am originally from Birmingham but have travelled around before settling in Brighton.
Jess Murch
Staff governor, pen portrait and photo to follow
Allistare Smedley - Co-chair
Pen portrait to follow