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St Mark's is proud to be part of the Roedean Partnership of Schools.  Roedean and St Mark’s Primary have joined in a soft federation, so that the two schools can work together, and both withdraw huge benefits from this partnership.


For many years, Roedean has worked with primary schools in the local community, but, rather than making a small difference to a number of schools, it was decided to focus efforts on one school in order to make a big impact.


In additional to the existing community volunteering projects, Roedean and St Mark’s will be working together on English, Maths, EAL, reading projects, music and drama. We have no doubt that this partnership will be hugely rewarding for all those involved in both schools.


St George's Church Kemp Town

We are proud to be the parish school of the Church of St George and St Anne in Kemp Town. Father Andrew leads worship for our special services as well as assemblies. The church welcomes the children for trips to see how a church works, and to visit the Stations of the Cross.


The church team are always on hand to look after the children with squash and biscuits!


Find out more at their website: 


Brighton and Hove Deanery Schools' Group


St Mark's is proud to be part of the Brighton and Hove Deanery Schools' Group.  We are a committed team of 9 schools, who work together towards a common goal and aim to improving outcomes for all of our children and families, within a christian ethos of support and high expectations.


We undertake moderation activities together and have joint INSET sessions. Most recently, a focus on “UNDERSTANDING CHRISTIANITY THROUGH CREATIVITY, CULTURE AND CURRICULUM” with Lilian Weatherly as key note speaker.


The Deanery Group brings valuable opportunities for shared working, collaboration and networking across the deanery.


Schools involved are:


St Mark's (Brighton), St Bartholomew's (Brighton), St Paul's (Brighton), St Nicolas (Portslade), St Nicholas and St Mary (Shoreham) , Aldrington (Hove), St Andrew's (Hove) and St Margaret's in Rottingdean.


Brighton City Partnership for Education


Brighton City Partnership for Education (BCPfE), is a group of 13 primary, infant, junior and nursery schools in Brighton, of which St Mark's is a member.

Click here to find out more!


